Integrate vaccination, risks, testing data into central employee health record

Enable effective engagement around COVID and other health matters

Employee health and related data stored securely in the Microsoft Azure cloud

Seamless integration with HR and other business systems


The roadmap for coming out of lockdown is now established. The vaccination programme is proceeding fast. Timescales may change but the reopening of the economy will happen.

All employers must prepare for the new significance and priority of employee health.

  • New risk factors apply, and many practical workforce management challenges now exist that may persist even if COVID eventually becomes ‘manageable’
  • Organisations must track and engage around COVID immunisation status of their workers – including those who cannot or do not wish to be vaccinated
  • Regular testing will need to be maintained, and every process around employee health, absence and engagement must be robust and sustainable

They need repeatable processes to bring staff into workplaces safely, now and in the future. Not only to bring staff back from furlough, home working or temporary redeployments at the end of lockdown, but whenever workers return from absence or new staff are onboarded.

Build a foundation for the future of your workforce health management with Empactis