Supporting the health and wellbeing of NHS staff has never been as critical to them, to patients, or to organisational productivity and efficiency.

The NHS faces an extreme staffing shortage as well as rising demand. High absence levels exacerbate the problem, add unsustainable extra costs and put more pressure on over-stretched staff. Engaging, retaining and recruiting skilled and dedicated staff is vital to support patients, step up on preventative healthcare and deliver sustainable and effective services everywhere.

Supporting NHS staff to assure their physical, social and mental health and overall wellbeing has never been so critical. Reducing the cost, risk and impact of absence is a key element.

The need for change and the embracing of new ideas were firmly enshrined in the Long Term Plan, while there has also been huge central effort to empower NHS organisations to act on staff health. The NHS Workforce Health & Wellbeing Framework offers a rich source of support and tools to help individual organisations identify priorities for change around health leadership, data, working environment and health interventions.

Empactis can help NHS organisations to take concrete action around these priorities with a platform to transform engagement and help turn local vision into reality.  

Making it Happen – a guide

The “Making it Happen” eBook is a guide designed to help local NHS organisations find and use all the resources available to help staff improve health and wellbeing.

Eight simple steps in the right direction can help you to get started.

Download the guide today

Supporting a healthier workforce

NHS Nurse assisting elderly patient

The challenge of creating a healthier workforce culture for NHS staff has many strands, including:

  • Addressing the critical issue of high staff absence, itself an underlying driver of related issues such as inflated staffing costs, and something that can directly impact patient care
  • Creating integrated case management systems not just around health and absence but the often associated or concurrent HR cases including performance, grievance and disciplinary
  • Empowering managers and line managers to support proactive, continuous employee health management as well as respond to and support individual health needs
  • Capturing accurate, timely and complete data to enable clearer insights into patterns and trends around absence, health, case management and related policy compliance, and thus enable more informed decisions

The Empactis platform has been designed around these challenges and to support key enablers within the NHS Workforce Health & Wellbeing Framework.

The Empactis PLatform

Our platform helps NHS leaders to create better care for staff, support for managers, consistency of processes and compliance with key policies – and gain more complete and accurate visibility.

Used individually or in the combination that delivers the value your Trust requires, our modules will help you create efficient, effective and dependable workflows that support managers, boost policy compliance and capture real-time and complete data to enable timely management decisions and informed workforce strategy.

Absence Manager offers a complete solution to manage planned and unplanned absence. HR Case Manager helps you integrate absence and health cases as well as all other types of HR case including disciplinary, performance and grievance into one streamlined and seamless workflow. Health Manager empowers your organisation to manage occupational health and more – proactively, continuously, and reactively when needed. All built around our Organisation tool which helps you to visualise and manage organisational hierarchy, with the opportunity for unparalleled real-time and complete Insights reporting around absence, cases and health from Empactis and other enterprise systems.


Reducing levels of absence and managing attendance consistently are NHS priorities.

Absence Manager helps NHS organisations manage all types of unplanned absence in real-time: sickness, carer and dependent leave.

  • Simple for staff to notify their manager of a sickness absence – day or night
  • Instantly notify managers and teams
  • Prompt and guide managers to complete timely return to work interviews
  • Track manager compliance with attendance management policies
  • Eliminate the need for managers to input basic absence data into ESR
  • Gain new absence data insights and performance measures
  • Seamless data exchange with NHS ESR and Allocate HealthRoster
NHS customer experiences prove >30% absence level reductions, stronger employee engagement by managers, lower agency costs, improved team morale and easier administration.

Connect HR Cases

Line managers and HR business partners must manage all employee cases with care.

HR Case Manager helps NHS organisations manage every type of employee case in a unified way: attendance, health, grievance, disciplinary, equality and MHPS.

  • Prompt and guide managers through specific case processes
  • Offer managers correct and current online documentation for each specific case activity
  • One click online access to HR expertise
  • Provide instant manager notifications of essential and overdue actions
  • Easy HR oversight of the status, stages and priority of all cases
  • Create case timelines and case management documents
  • Automatically create auditable records to prove employment regulatory compliance
  • Seamless data exchange with NHS ESR
Achieve consistency across all different types of case process, reduce risks of stalled or abandoned cases, and ease the administrative burden on managers and HR.

Improve occupational health & wellbeing

Working in the NHS may have many challenges. It requires employees that are fit and well to meet these demands.

Health Manager provides a comprehensive occupational health platform to optimise the health and wellbeing of all staff, enabling effective health promotion, reliable health surveillance and early, timely intervention if health problems arise.

  • Enables employers to understand staff health needs and organise reliable interventions to meet them
  • Delivers timely health surveillance and ensures legally compliant records
  • Integrates with diverse NHS systems to ensure managers and employees are supported in taking effective and easy actions to improve staff health
  • Provides accurate and up-to-the minute data analysis to enable leaders and managers to make evidence based decisions to support staff
  • Offers opportunity for users to prevent ill-health and maximise performance
Manage all aspects of employee health, enable effective health improvement, compliant health surveillance and reliable support when illness or injury occurs.

Get in touch today for further information, to arrange a bespoke demonstration for your team, or to arrange to speak with a customer Trust reference.

Call us any time on 020 3793 9536 or fill in the form below.

Please note: this form is for organisational enquiries ONLY and not for individual absence/testing/vaccination enquiries.