Notifications to managers when assessments are due (email & SMS)

Risk score and COVID age calculator

Guidance specific to outcome

Review logging

Reminder notifications to managers

Manager dashboard provides real-time view of employee risk status

On-line reporting

Protecting staff from harm is a mandated employer responsibility. The COVID-19 pandemic requires that all NHS organisations undertake regular COVID-19 risk assessments. These assessments needed to recognise and identify disparities in the risk and outcomes caused by COVID-19, with some groups being significantly more at risk than others.

Empactis Health Manager enables organisations to administer employee health engagement and activities and connect this with other essential aspects of workforce management. Like other aspects of the Empactis Employee Health Management System, it was adapted and enhanced to meet the emerging needs of customer Trusts around COVID-19.

These are now available to other Trusts.

“The requirement for BAME and vulnerable group risk assessments, along with the need to provide central situation reporting on the status of these, has created additional workload… [they]  quickly developed a version in the system, enabling all managers to easily conduct an online risk assessment and for the Trust to have immediate centralised reporting.”

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust READ MORE

COVID-19 risk assessments were configured not only to meet the imperatives of time and accuracy about individual risk but also to reduce the management overhead and deliver real-time visibility of COVID-19 risks across the entire workforce.

In addition to standard Empactis Health Manager functionality for managing health risk dependent on factors such an employees’ job role, the COVID-19 risk assessment available provides:

Assessment of an employee’s individual COVID-19 risk – with risk score calculation and COVID-age vulnerability indicator

  • Notifications to managers when risk assessments are due – delivered by email & SMS
  • Guidance for managers that is tailored to individual risk assessment outcomes
  • Assessments stored securely in the employees’ clinical record
  • A real-time risk assessments status dashboard for managers and occupational health staff
  • Comprehensive risk stratification reports
  • An unequivocal audit trail of individual risk assessment completion and regulatory compliance

The benefit of having all staff COVID-19 risk assessment results stored in the employee record became clear at some Empactis customer Trusts when COVID-19 vaccinations were being planned. The risk score status allowed these Trusts to identify staff based on their risk immediately and then prioritise their vaccinations accordingly.

Improve efficiency, enhance effectiveness, reduce risks and lay a foundation for future employee health with Empactis Health Manager